Thursday, December 1, 2005

No Religious Wedding Ceremony Wording

Eduard Punset in Buenafuente! (And blog update)

After a few days without updating the blog and some updates on my system back.

Eduard Punset It looks that the promotion of his latest book "The journey to happiness," but the networks that we already know a little of what is the book. It was in Chapter 369 and also in the 374. Well

elinks in addition to the last chapters of networks you can also find extra Punset Eduard. The first in an interview on the SER (mp3) and also in the program Buenafuente, and is that also appeared in the program but Club TV3 I could not capture. Eduard

Punset in Buenafuente

tell you that Chapter 371 could not be captured by some technical problems that day.

372.La imagination, the power or depression

emotions serve

374.Aprender flowing

brain percepecion

More references here: