Friday, February 23, 2007

Pokemon Fire Red Rom Mac Os X Free

406 to 424

After several months without time dedicate ... back to review a little bit it was time, right?

I have not seen them all since I have not had time but if it was yesterday ... I love fractals and indeed when I discovered I was 15 and my first computer (a 386) when I left a program called Fractint ... I thought there was no Mr. Mandelbrot and it is so! Well here

a repasito from the 406 to 424.

406. Failures and triumphs of technology
407. Time does not exist
408. Emergency life
409. The paradox of wisdom
410. The fears of the future
411. At last we know where we come
412. The new barbarians who invade us
413. the only remedy
414. consciousness and the universe beyond the Quantica
415. life hidden network connections
416. The light we see
417. A touch of creativity
418. Programming emotions
419. We are all from the same tribe
420. We did not know anything about our bodies
421. The Soul is in the brain
422. We travel to the stars 1
423. the brain we divided them and us
424. not everything is smooth in life