Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How Do I Lower My Self Employment Tax

J. Donostia Pallasmaa

Kultura eta Natura zikloko azken jardunaldian Juhani Pallasmaa arkitekto finlandiarra izango dugu Donostian. Hurrengo ostirala urtarrilak 28, Andia kaleko Kutxa aretoan, arratseko 19:00tan izango da hitzaldia.

Pallasmaak, arkitekturaren eta zinearen inguruko espazio existentzialen inguruan hitz egingo du: Bizitako espazioak alegia. Azken urteotan, "Los ojos de la piel" liburua argitaratu zuenetik, "irudi hutsean" oinarritutako kritikos arkitekturaren Nagusi azaltzen zaigu Pallasmaa headshell. Arkitektur garaikidea irudiaren Menpo dago. Ildo kezka Pallasmaaren horretatik doa, arkitekturaren esperientzia Zabalaga aldarrikatuz bat.

l E
Culture and Nature cycle reaches its final day with the participation of the Finnish architect Juhani Pallasmaa. Next Friday January 28 at 19:30 Pallasmaa give his lecture at the hall Kutxa Andia street of San Sebastián.
Talk about existential space in film and architecture, on the lived spaces. Since the publication of his book "The Eyes of the Skin", Pallasmaa has become one of the most prominent critics of architecture in recent years is taught and discussed with tools merely visual. The teaching and practice of contemporary architecture is based on images, or Pallasmaa himself says, is based on a culture "ocular-centric." Pallasmaa defends an architectural culture where the experience goes beyond the enjoyment of what we see.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My Dog Ate Sanitary Pad

Guallart en StudioBanana.tv

We always questioned whether it is worthwhile and consistent progress in high technology to get that coveted state of interaction between architecture and nature. Vicente Guallart seems to have it clear:

Does Almay Tlc Foundation Cover


Beat Your hartutako baserri ber -eraikuntza:

Urte poderioz inguruko Ormet itsatsita azaltzen zaigu Honen etxe memory. Hutsarte sentsazio honek ordea, aintzinan etxe izandakoa patio bihurtzera bultzatzen gaitu. Patio honen inguruan antolatuko dira etxebizitza-estudio berriak behar dituen pieza berriak; moduko egitura sortuz. (ez al da exisititzen?)
Eraikuntza berriaren material nagusia zura izango da (abeto Douglas) etxetik 50 m-ra baitu basoa. Tradizioz baserri askok eduki ohi zituzten baso explotazioak etxeak behar zituen konponketa edota hazkuntza berriak zurez hornitzeko
A burned village has to be rebuilt:
We find this ruin consists of several layers which for decades have been adhering to the walls.
The feeling of emptiness in all its history reflected in the perimeter makes us think about transforming what was once the home in a courtyard to organize different volumes around him. The project must respond to a home-study program: choosing the
"village" patio "
. (Although the typology does not exist)
The main construction material must be wood (Douglas fir) of a forest that is 50 meters, it is family forest farms which are usually used to repair itself or expansion of settlements.

Monday, January 17, 2011

What Is Professional Attire For Navy Retirement


The web site of COAVN in Gipuzkoa has published a list of alternative programs and software architecture offices. This summary una jornada que se realizó en Donostia a petición de varios colegiados:

EHAEO - Gipuzkoako webgunean arkitekturaren inguruko software eta programa alternatiboei buruzko zerrenda bat publikatu da. Orain gutxi elkargoan egin zen topaketa baten laburpen bezala konsidera daiteke:
Software libre
El llamado software libre que no gratuito permite la instalación y uso de programas sin ningun tipo de restricción.
Algunos de los programas que pueden ser de utilidad son los siguientes:
OpenOffice includes a powerful text editor, spreadsheet calculus, ara presentation tool, database, etc compatible with Word, Excel, etc. The download is free, http://es.openoffice.org/

Program Gimp for editing and manipulating images. Your download is free,


Mozilla Firefox Browser Free

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Mozilla Thunderbird
email management


Software-called Cad programs, there are two alternatives to the programs usually used for drawing 2D and 3D. ZWCAD

Without doubt the best alternative to common CAD programs. Your best advantage is its price of around 550 euros. Contains tools for 2D and 3D drawing. You can also download a version of The Evaluation of 30 days. http://www.zwcad.org/index2.php


promising alternative would be account and a good price, about $ 500 license. Allows you to download a version of The Evaluation of 30 days.

https: / / www.bricsys.com/es_ES/

Free Software

Antvirus Avast. Allows free downloads of its Verson easier.
DWG TrueView 2011

and consultation program for viewing CAD files. Free. http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/pc/index?id=6703438&siteID=123112

2011 Design Review Program to display dwf file extension, pdf, jpg, etc. Ability to add measurement markups, etc.


Acrobat Reader 9.4

program for viewing and printing pdf files. http://get.adobe.com/es/reader/

All this information you can follow in the next blog: http://arkisoft.blogspot.com /

Friday, January 14, 2011

Recommendation For Article 15 Counseling Example


Santa Claus "Chinese"

If there is the generic city construct it based on "manual." Would accept the existence of citizens living in homes generic generic generic embedded in landscapes:

Architects manuals would be editors, writers and illustrators of models and types of architectures ...
Something that has already been occurring lately.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How To Wire Ge Motion Sensor

TOKI (pona)

Curiosities near Tokyo and its multiple meanings in different languages:
A simple language

Toki Pona is a simple language designed to express more using less. The full language has only 123 words and 14 sounds. Grammar, despite being different from English, it is very easy to learn.

universal building blocks

Historically, when people from different cultures came into contact, a method of communication was to develop basic language.

Toki Pona continues this tradition, focusing on universal elements of human life: people, food, good, giving, sleep, and so on. Toki Pona removes all the more advanced concepts that are not needed for survival and basic form of communication.

To form a more complex meaning, you can easily combine a few basic words.

live it in this

Because Toki Pona reduced to their most basic communication units, Toki Pona words sometimes have a vague meaning and may have many translations. The word


, for example, can be speak, say, mention, communication or language . Of course all these concepts have a fundamental idea, and that is why we are united under a single word in Toki Pona. Because of this, as a speaker, you must rely heavily on context to interpret what is said. Connect the speaker to the world around him. Instead of separating it from the direct experiences of life with complex concepts Abstact, learn to listen to people and connect directly with the surroundings. Toki Pona eliminates this excess of jargon and instead point to the center and nature of things.

can become something like "yoga for the mind." Rather than get stuck in negative thoughts and anxiety, learn to relax, meditate and explore your relationship to life itself. Many of these principles were inspired by Taoism, which values \u200b\u200ba simple and honest life and avoids interference with the natural course of things, and other spiritual paths.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Gabriela Masciago Coop

"The lost future" y las "Green cities"

A Christmas afternoon, lying on the couch, trying to digest some excesses binge and night, I swallowed the TV premiere of the film "The lost future" (a real snafu *). The movie is based on an alleged post-apocalyptic future where nature invades cities, new creatures in the wild (or mutant) and a group of survivors struggle to re-establish the "civilization" and "race" human. The official synopsis reads:


In 2510, the Earth is a post-apocalyptic world where Mother Nature has taken over and everything is invaded by wild forests and jungles threatening. New and bestial creatures have emerged to dominate everything. A group of hunters trying to survive day to day,
menacing also an eerie and dangerous disease ... "

In the picture above can guess why I endured viewing of the film. When the players arrive at the remains of a city are the most evocative images of what could be a city-mixed nature.

It is strange that seduce us (many architects) images than in other areas we consider a post -apocalyptic. But I can not compare with the
countless cities and buildings "super-green"
illustrated magazines, websites and architecture competitions.
The search for "green building" and some other terms often used to illustrate a future in balance with nature at an alarming reminder of "the lost future." Buildings like that Ken Yeang plans show:

For years science fiction films have shown
the future of the planet as a big city urbanized. An artificial layer (and ultimately virtual) surface completely covered in futuristic imagination not many years.

The makeover of the future is considerable though it is presented as a post-apocalyptic scenario.
Apocalypse now!

* snafu: As a famous designer, and researcher etymologist Donostia

snafu was a ritual, forced stew was served in the common dining Spartans and their composition is unknown although many believe that should carry blood between meats and vegetables. We do not know the meaning today is associated with "snafu" is due to its taste or slander of Athenians and modern writers even claim that his courage and bravery in battle was because they would rather die and be back eating crappy again. What is certain is that those who imposed the plate, Lycurgus, the Spartan ended up driving stoned.