Monday, May 9, 2011

Gold Desert Eagle Koupit


Imitate Jesus.

Mama Mama loved how much joy you by my side, I knew you

give all my love and guide through life.

You gave me time to grow

with patience and love. Mom

now let me lead you down the path of my way,
let me show you my world with love and courage.

Mom, but never

to pay so much love, I give you my love

complete and will teach you what it is.

Thanks mom for being with me.

Minerva Collaboration Dirksz Netherlands

For a more united and Region Scout! 2011, 75 YEARS OF SCOUTING of Aragua. Green Line 2011: 3000 Trees ... will you score?

Electric Golf Bag Carrier

Youth Workshop 2011

For a more united and Region Scout! 2011, 75 YEARS OF SCOUTING of Aragua. Green Line 2011: 3000 Trees ... will you score?

Gold Desert Eagle On Airsoft

Spokesmen Youth Forum (Troop and Clan) District

On Saturday April 16 in the spaces of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was led the Forum District Youth Santiago Mariño the presence of the Scout Groups Orion, Indepedencia, Benjmain, Santiago Mariño of troop units and clan, with the participation of over 40 district scouts and invited guests.
The activity was a National Assembly Scout ambience where our young people could project their own views as delegates and observers discussed views and projected targets for the growth of our Association of Scouts of Venezuela annually.

Abimeleth Congratulations to Sc District Commissioner Evans and his team organized the event Inti Alvarez Sc advisor of the event, just as we extend our appreciation to Councillor Nation Sc Lohengri Vento for their assistance and participation in this event so valuable that seeks to promote the The participatory young and active within their development environment.

Let us work for our young people for the construction of a better world

Read More -
Cesar D. R. Sanchez Regional Communications Assistant

For a more united and Scout! 2011, 75 YEARS OF SCOUTING of Aragua. Green Line 2011: 3000 Trees ... will you score?

Whirlpool Washing Machine Wtw5790vq

Santiago Mariño District Youth Forum Mario Briceño Iragorry

On 12 March this year was held in the spaces of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Youth Forum of Pack, Troop and District Clan Iragorry Mario Briceño, in order to meet the Cycle Institutional program for this year 2011 and contribute to the formation of youth and adults attending.

Flocks Forum was framed in the Conservation of Forests asistentencias with more than 10 children of herds in the Group and Advanced Libertador this activity was led by Yuraima Sc Planchart, working with adults in the Liberator.
The forum was led by Freddy Guevara Sc and where young visitors could share their views on drug use in society today and the youth of their community as emtorno and social problems to solve.

was Clan Forum Led by Jesus Diaz Sc where the youth branch of the clan were able to share his impressions of the new university law, of how involved and how they can contribute as a youth to advance their views.

Congratulations to those attending this event filled with a lot of work for the construction of society we want, all the Felcitaciones who made this event possible.

Genesis Youth Spokesperson

For a more united and Region Scout! 2011, 75 YEARS OF SCOUTING of Aragua. Green Line 2011: 3000 Trees ... will you score?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Why Would A Neonate Need So Many Anti Oxidents

Atelier Bow-Wow in BananaTV

Atelier Bow-Wow arkitekto japoniarrek argitaratutako pare bat liburu TOKI bulegoa ireki zenetik mahai batetik bestera dabiltza etengabe, sekula ez dute apaletarako bidea egiten. Zimurtuena (erabileragatik alegia) "Graphic Anatomy" da. Liburu honetan beraien proiektu txiki guztien hiru dimentsiotako "xehetasun marrazkiak" argitaratzen dituzte.

Desde que se abrió TOKI hay un par de libros de Atelier Bow Wow que han viajado de mesa en mesa sin llegar nunca hasta la estantería. El más arrugado (por el uso) es "Graphic Anatomy". En este libro se publican muchos de los pequeños proyectos de Bow Wow mostrando toda la simple complejidad de detalles dibujados en tres dimensiones:
Beste derrigorrezko irakurketa, orain urte batzuk Tokio hirian topatu zituzten eraikin hibridoei buruzkoa: Made in Tokyo . Liburu honetan aurreplangintzarik gabeko eraikin mistoak ikertu zituzten. Beharrak edota imajinazioak sortutako eraikinok konplexurik gabeko erabilera nahasketak bultzatzen dituzte pertsonen eta aktibitateen arteko "koktail" interesgarria sortuz.

Another must-read seems Made in Tokyo, a Tokyo research buildings without any previous planning applications have become hybrids. The need for imagination or promote buildings that have been generated without any complex mix of people and uses the most disparate.

StudioBananaTV webgunean dieter Elkarrizketa ere egin "txikitasunaren" Egito defentsa aldeko jarraitzen du. Tsukamotoren yew "txikitasunak" Sister ditzake handiak Onura hirietan. Arkitektur "intelijentzia moet" bat headshell definitzen du, modetatik antropologiatik gerturago dagoena Baino:

In the recent interview published in StudioBananaTV Tsukamoto continues to advocate " small "as a necessary element for improving cities. Defines architecture as a "kind of intelligence" closer to the fashion anthropological:

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Maya Ethernet Address

Why do you seek among the dead? Route Scout

Hallelujah Hallelujah, Jesus Lives! Happy Easter!
For a more united and Region Scout! 2011, 75 YEARS OF SCOUTING of Aragua. Green Line 2011: 3000 Trees ... will you score?

Saturday, April 23, 2011

How To Find Real Gloryholes

Turmero - Chuao 2011 - Basic Level

On Sunday April 17 beginning this year the first route-Chuao Turmero Aragua 2011 starting from the ranger station located in Pedregal, Santiago Mariño Municipality.
The walk was attended by over 60 scouts from different regions of Venezuela, among them Lara, Zulia, Yaracuy, Carabobo, Miranda, Guarico, Falcon and Aragua. was an amazing experience to observe the beautiful scenery of the Henry Pittier National Park and reach the village of Chuao, sharing with his people. ---------------------------------------------

Some Comments:

Emii Alvarez Congratulations ... As a participant Rover Ruta satisfied with their work and thanks for sharing that experience with us .... Q I hope is not the 1st nor the last Route ..... : D Serve.!

Miguel D 'Conkistaa RTC 2011! * _ * Exitooos: D q Brand Experience: D ♥

Leyzza Coromoto Lares jajajaja Fatigue that you sastifacion super chevere jajajaja

Wilmer Vanegas very good morning today, Saturday April 23 I woke up very tired but I'm very satisfied work was done on the road thank God everything went well and I am very pleased that the lad in attendance realized ...

Simon Andres accurate since I have some (photos) and that ... you relive it again x the photos of others feeling tired ... jejejjeje and hopes they had to get the points lol

Freddy Arturo Quintero Colmenares The Great Challenge Route-Chuao Turmero on Saturday, April 23, 2011 at 19:57

P ara start I thank GOD that was allowed us to achieve the goal!
all started with a dream and ended with great satisfaction I want to thank the organizing team made up of my best friends, "Wilmer Vanegas, Elis Lamb, Jesus Quintero, Gerardo Valero, Orlando Carmona, Manuel Farfan" and other organizers as the Scouter "Guillermo Marconi, Karen Delgado, Cristian Sarmiento" with a large and valuable participation of the Great Scouter Yuraima the angel of the kitchen.
Rovers For the group of organizers was not easy teamwork was what helped us to move forward after so many setbacks.
From the first day where we received with great emotion the participants felt the satisfaction of knowing that we were going and what we hoped was a great challenge and adventure we will never forget. We give millions of Thanks to ALL the participants for trusting us and accept the challenge the great challenge which I hope will not forget. I hope that with this long walk to learn to value natural resources as they have done. We apologize for the inconveniences caused by the organizing team and I hope that next enjoy much more.
Also we thank the community of Chuao by opening their doors and give us those wonderful moments that remain marked in our hearts.

Thanks Again And forget not my buddies : (names deleted)
------------- --------------------------------
Congratulations and success to all young people who decided to accept this great challenge, and came to comply with all the encouragement and enthusiasm that characterizes our rovers scouts, continue paddling our own canoe as has been done so far
Cordero-Communications Elis Turmero-Chuao Scout Road "Grand Challenge"
Organizing Team
Counsel: Wilmer Sc Vanegas
Communications: Elis Cordero, Carlos Seijas
Program: Sc Freddy Quintero
Security: Jesus Quintero
Logistics: Gerardo Valero, Orlando Carmona
Management: Sc Manuel Farfan
Administration: Cristian Sarmiento

For a more united and Region Scout! 2011, 75 YEARS OF SCOUTING of Aragua. Green Line 2011: 3000 Trees ... will you score?

Template For Appeal Letter For Financial Aid

Aragua Region - MBI - Aragua Region

19 and March 20, 2011 at the facilities of the University Simon Rodriguez Sugar Cane took place on 1st Basic Level in the Region Aragua.

Congratulations to all attendees and staff members, with their attitude and dedicated perserverante demonstrate every day that are willing to build a better world.

Director: Endrin Tortolero. Staff: Karen Delgado, Rafael Alvarez, Cristian Sarmiento.

For a more united and Region Scout! 2011, 75 YEARS OF SCOUTING of Aragua. Green Line 2011: 3000 Trees ... will you score?

Graduation And Drinking And Driving Psa


JAE exposure (Young Architects of Spain) continues his American tour. After traveling to Washington, Chicago, Dallas and Houston. Meanwhile they have released digital catalog:

Open publication - Free publishing - More architecture

Friday, April 22, 2011

Quotes On Lighting The Lamp Ceremony

April 23 - St. George-patron saint of Scouts Friday

Life and Miracles of St. George
Jorge's name comes from Greek and means "farmer, who works in the earth." Despite the popularity of St. George, very little data known about him, and almost all their news are based on legends and traditions that have passed from mouth mouth over the centuries. All historians and writers of books on saints, generally agree that was a Roman soldier, born in the third century in Cappadocia (Turkey) and died early in the fourth, probably in the town of Lydda, now Lod in Israel's. His parents, according to tradition, they were farmers and had a lot of money. In other versions of the story of St. George, we are told that his father was military and that was why his son wanted to follow in their footsteps.

Dragon Legend

most widespread legend of St. George is without doubt the dragon, in which we are introduced to our holy as a soldier or knight fighting against a monstrous (The dragon) who lived in a lake and had frightened an entire village in Libya. This animal required two lambs daily to feed in order not to approach the city, which had a strong stench and polluted everything was alive. (Remember, surfer friend in those days there were no toothpaste !!!). At the end thought that farmers were left with almost no sheep and decided to deliver it every day a living person, who would be chosen in a lottery. One day, I touch the "luck" to the king's daughter, but when the monster was going to eat, St. George's saved. It is for this reason that in Catalonia, St. George (Sant Jordi) is the patron saint of lovers. The legend of St. George was written in the thirteenth century by James of Voragine in his famous work "The Golden Legend."
In it, we discover that we are called to be a gentleman, not only to save beautiful princesses like that tells us!, But to save people who suffer so much in our society. The dragon symbolizes evil in our world: poverty, lack of solidarity, hypocrisy ...
It means that the Catalan tradition of the legend of the dragon, not set in the country of Libya, but in Catalonia itself, specifically in the city of Montblanc (Tarragona). Every April 23, in this city are a great representation, as well as in Alcoy (Alicante), which portrays the saint's aid to its citizens not to be attacked by the Moors.
Christianity St. George
After a few years in the Roman army, St. George realizes that his real army is that of Jesus Christ, distributes its goods to the poor, he gives up his military career and facing the authorities Roman. It is noteworthy that the minutes of the martyrdom of our saint is lost and we can only know some of them from the folk tradition. Therefore, we face the fact that, although historically there martyrdom of St. George, can not be taken as such historical traditions. Anyway, these stories are a symbol of the ideals and convictions of those Christians who gave their all for their faith in Jesus Christ. St. George suffered martyrdom in the modern city of Lod (Israel) in early 300 at the time of the Emperors Diocletian and Maximilian. It was the same James of Voragine in his book "The Golden Legend" spread the martyrdom of St. George.

What can we learn the martyrdom of St. George?

As with many other popular accounts of martyrdoms, behind which are the historical inaccuracies, is hidden deep intuition of truths. Thus, in the case of the martyrdom of St. George, appears very clearly, First, the evangelistic dimension of their testimony, and, on the other hand, the example of burning charity shows with his behavior.
Joan Llopis, in the book "San Jorge" published by the Center for Pastoral Liturgy of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bvery rightly said that what moves inside the saint to leave his life as a soldier and engage in a preacher, is the strength of their faith Christian needs to communicate to the other's convictions, but this will eventually lead to death. Verbatim writes Joan Llopis
"Martyrdom is certainly a testimony of faith. But, above all, a witness of charity. The popular biography of San Jorge is pleased to note the fact of the generous distribution of goods to the poor martyr undefeated performed prior to engaging the public defense of the Christian faith. Plastic is a way of insisting on a truth that has always been part of the core of the Christian message: can not separate faith in God and the practical and concrete love the brethren ".
La Cruz de San Jorge

In the pictures that are broadcast on the saint, there is one detail that we can not ignore: the shield. In it is a red cross on a white background. In other prints, leaves represented on the shield of holy knight. This cross is the famous "Cross of St. George" and appears in many graphic representations of the Risen Christ, which emerges victorious the tomb: "Christus Rex." If we study the issue, we can say that the cross, symbol of defeat and death, becomes the case of Christ and his martyrs, a sign of victory and life. In this case, the cross is a sign of victory. Some theologians, taking advantage of the feast of St. George always falls within Easter time, Easter related death of a martyr's death of Jesus Easter.
La Cruz de San Jorge is also very popular in Catalonia, "La Creu de Sant Jordi." Many coats of entities and cities carry it. We have two clear examples: the shield of the city of Barcelona and FC Barcelona (Barca). Even the Generalitat (Catalan Government) distinguishes each year to popular figures who have done something positive for Catalonia with distinction from the Creu de Sant Jordi "(Cruz de San Jorge)

Worship and traditions. The day the book

The cult of St. George was born shortly after his death, first among the Christian communities of East and then from the West. His popularity was so great that he received the title of "great martyr." Soon temples stand in his honor. But it is interesting to note that, in the diocese of Girona, there is only a parish church dedicated to him, Sant Jordi Desvalls and only three chapels and shrines located in Calonge, Lloret de Mar and Sant Llorenç de la Muga. In Catalonia, his name day is considered as a real party, but falls on a weekday. Is "The day the book and the rose." In every town there are bus stops Catalan books and roses. As I have already mentioned in the beginning, the Catalans celebrate Saint George on the day of lovers. The man gives a rose to your loved one, and this gave him a book. Students are the first to want to "make the August", and setting up their stalls to get some money and travel to the prom.

can say that the coincidence of World Book Day with the feast of St George has nothing to do with the saint. World Book Day began to be held on October 7, 1926 to commemorate the birthday of Miguel de Cervantes. The idea was Valencian writer and editor, based in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bVicent Clavel Andrés who proposed to the Chamber of the Book of Barcelona. On February 6, 1926, the English government headed by Miguel Primo de Rivera agreed and King Alfonso XIII signed the royal decree instituting the "English Book Festival." In 1930, carrying it agreed to change the date to April 23, the day of the death of Cervantes. It said that Miguel de Cervantes was very well connected with Barcelona, \u200b\u200bcity that gave high praise in his "Don Quixote" and in which the protagonist visited a printing company. In 1995, UNESCO established April 23 as World Book and Copyright. It is estimated that more than 80 countries around the world celebrate World Book Day on this date, although Britain and Ireland celebrate March 14. Should also remember that an April 23, 1981, died a great Catalan writer Josep Pla and that was in 1616 would the English playwright William Shakespeare.

patronage and protection
is the patron saint of Catalonia, next to Our Lady of Montserrat. It is also of Aragon and the following countries: Georgia, Greece, England, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Russia and Serbia. It is also the patron of knights and Boy Scouts, and in Catalonia, of lovers and some farmers who will plead for its fields of barley. Is invoked to bless a new house and against the spiders.


For a more united and Region Scout! 2011, 75 YEARS OF SCOUTING of Aragua. Green Line 2011: 3000 Trees ... will you score?

Wrhmmer 40k Virtual Table

".. . Surely he hath borne our infirmities and carried our sorrows; and we esteemed Him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes we are healed. "
Prophecy of Isaiah 53:4,5
year 700 BC .
For a more united and Scout! 2011, 75 YEARS OF SCOUTS ARAGUA. Linea Verde 2011: 3000 Trees ... I write down?

How To Replace Front Element In A Lens

2011 World Earth Day - April 22 Special

World Earth Day - April 22
What is the Day Earth?

Earth Day, April 22, is an annual celebration of our shared environment and the time to assess the work still needed to protect the natural gifts of our planet.
Earth Day is a national holiday. While there is no central organization, many nongovernmental organizations working to register the thousands of local activities in schools and parks that mark the day.

The Day the Earth says that the awareness towards the environment is part of the national consciousness and the idea of \u200b\u200bprotecting our environment, once the domain of a few conservationists, has moved from one extreme to the mainstream of American thought.

This, of course, was not always so. In the nineteenth century Americans are blessed with a vast land rich in natural resources, living in the belief that fresh fields would always be on the horizon, when it exhausted the soil or forests or coal in a particular place could move to elsewhere. As the industry flourished in the early twentieth century, people accepted without question that the heavens are obscured by emissions from smokestacks and rivers were filled industrial waste. In the mid-thirties, and again in the fifties, Cuyohoga Ohio River, which rises in the industrial heartland of the United States, was lit by chemical waste from factories built along its banks. Few people even noticed. There was no public outcry.

During the sixties, public attitudes began to change. In 1962, a marine biologist named Rachel Carzon published "Silent Spring", a title that referred to a future without birds and described in plain language devastating long-term effects of highly toxic pesticides and other chemicals commonly used in agriculture, industry and everyday by millions of Americans. The book surprisingly ranked among the best sellers. In 1968, the Apollo astronauts on their return flight to the moon orbiting pioneer, first photographed the planet Earth in its entirety. This image of Earth: small, fragile, beautiful and unique, it quickly became imprinted on the psyche of millions. In 1969, the flow in the River Industrial Cuyohoga again caused a fire. This time, the public reaction was immediate and intense. The people of Cleveland, Ohio, where the fire occurred, became the laughingstock, and the satirical song "Burn On, Big River, Burn On "(Burn, big river, burn) was heard on radio stations across the country. That same year, the United States Congress enacted the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), declaring a national policy to encourage harmony productive and enjoyable between man and his environment.

Parallel to this slow environmental awareness, there was a growing opposition to U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. The public demonstrations against the war, particularly those in the universities, promoted the ideas of individual actions would make a difference, and that organized challenges to the status quo that could actually change politics and public behavior.

Gaylord Nelson, then Senator from Wisconsin and longtime conservationist, was one of the people who understood that the methods developed for the protest against the war might well be effective in other areas. "At that time," Nelson wrote, "there was great unrest in the universities because of the war in Vietnam. There were anti-war protests called classes throughout schools across the nation. On a flight from Santa Barbara University of California at Berkeley, I read an article on such classes, and suddenly I thought: Why not take a class national environment? here is the origin of Earth Day "

grasped this idea, Nelson returned to Washington in August 1969 and began promoting Earth Day among governors, mayors of major cities, editors of college newspapers and, More importantly, in the academic journal, which circulates in the primary and secondary schools across the country. In September, Nelson formally announced that there would be a nationwide class on the environment in the spring of 1970. then narrated what happened to below

"cable services broadcast the item across the country. The response was overwhelming. Acted as officials suppress organized crime. Telegrams, letters and phone calls poured in from around the country.

With the help of Senate staff, I conducted activities on Earth Day outside of my office. By December, the movement had expanded so rapidly that it became necessary to open an office in Washington to serve as a national center for information sharing and address questions and activities relating to Earth Day. At that point, I hired Denis Hayes and others to coordinate the effort.

Earth Day achieved what I craved. The aim was to demonstrate a concern as great for the environment at the national level, which shook the political arena. It was a risky move, but it worked. Twenty million people participated in peaceful demonstrations across the country. Ten thousand students and high school students, two thousand colleges and a thousand communities participated.

really was an amazing explosion popular. People are worried and Earth Day became the first opportunity they had ever had to join a national demonstration to send a strong message to politicians: the message to awaken and do something.

worked by the spontaneous and enthusiastic response at the grassroots level. Had anything like happened before. While our organization in schools was pretty good, the thousands of activities in our schools and communities are generated locally. We did not have neither the time nor the resources to organize the ten thousand students and high school students and a thousand communities participated. Simply organized themselves. That's remarkable Earth Day. "

A federal law took the revolutionary success of the first Earth Day. In 1970 the Environmental Protection Agency, followed by the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act 1972 and the Law of Endangered Species in 1973. Among the more ambitious provisions of these laws is the requirement that automobiles use unleaded gasoline, adhere to a minimum miles per gallon of gasoline and are equipped with catalytic converters that reduce the amount of toxic fumes emitted by the exhaust pipes of vehicles.

Earth Day seemed to disappear. Although the annual celebrations continued, they failed to match the size and enthusiasm of the first year. Earth Day had become a relic of the protests of the early seventies.

However, the flash of awareness generated by the first Earth Day continued to grow. Grassroots organizations now called non-governmental organizations or NGOs, increased in size and power. Groups such as Greenpeace, formed in Canada in 1971, adapted the principles of nonviolent civil disobedience to create public awareness about the dwindling whale population and the risks of nuclear energy. Nature Conservancy, established in 1951, was rededicated in the early seventies to the preservation of natural diversity and began to buy undeveloped land for nature conservation.

Venerable institutions such as Sierra Club and National Audubon Society filed energetic processes against logging companies to slow the destruction forest for many years. Non-governmental organizations, funded by public input and made up of lawyers and educators as well as scientists and naturalists, they became vigilantes energetic environment, while educating the public and to prosecute companies and governments to force them to comply with legislation that regulates everything from the stack emissions and water quality, to the natural habitats of endangered species.

At home, Americans, often urged by their children, began to separate household waste for recycling. In the late eighties, programs were established recycling in many communities. In the mid-nineties, these municipal programs and surrendered compensation: the amount of waste which was emptied in landfills was in sharp decline, and more than 20% of municipal waste in the United States turned into useful products.

Corporations, quite conscious of the desires of the consumer and the framework of profits, began to promote itself as a consistent environment, proudly using recycled material in its packaging and commercial broadcast television that talked about their achievements protection of the Earth. More important was the adoption by many companies in business practices that increased gross v efficiency decreased the amount of industrial waste. Spurred by consumer NGOs, forced by law to comply with standards for quality of air and water, and finally to realize that new methods could indeed be profitable, the private sector accepted its role in management environment.

In 1990, Earth Day was recovered. Led by Denis Hayes, chief organizer of the first Earth Day, the year 1990 was international, and involved companies, ethnic minorities and government officials. Over 200 million people around the world, ten times more than in 1970, participated in activities recognized that the environment had become, finally, a subject of public interest and universal. The global momentum continued in 1992 at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where an unprecedented number of governments and NGOs key documents prepared for the sustainable development of economies now and in the future.

In 1995, witnessed the XXV anniversary of the first Earth Day was a time to assess environmental progress in the last quarter century. In Western countries, the news seemed good: air and water were cleaner, forests were expanding and many environmental indicators also were on the rise. Undoubtedly, the sometimes volatile combination of legislation, lawsuits brought by NGOs, public education and more efficient business practices, had achieved a noticeable and positive effect on the state of the environment.

How good this news was really depended on who you ask. "The laws (the environment) ... along with countless private efforts encouraged by the environmental awareness ... have been a stunning success," wrote the reporter Gregg Easterbrook in The New Yorker. "In both the U.S. and Europe, environmental trends are mostly positive, and regulations environmental, rather than being heavy and expensive, have proved quite effective, have cost less than expected and strengthened, not weakened, the economies of the Overseas countries that applied. "Environment Magazine, led by a major NGO, gave a more somber assessment: "The Day the Earth ... and has created a permanently active citizenry nor transformed the general malaise that undermines faith in democratic accountability. Although the environmental movement has made great strides since 1970, institutionally as well as in public consciousness, environmental security in the form of fair treatment and provision of basic needs for all remains more elusive than 25 years ago. "

The kaleidoscope of activities planned for Earth Day 1997 reflects this powerful fusion of democratic practices towards the environment. The Idaho State University in Pocatello, Idaho, is organizing a weeklong festival with a Ecoferia food, music and exhibitions, forums (topics include "Environmental Health: Air quality and water in Pocatello" and "How to Save the Earth with technology to clean up the environment"), programs Schools for children and adults, and walks in natural areas. The students from Hermon High School in Hermon, Maine, conducted workshops on the future of salmon Atlantic in Maine, visit a dam which helps this species on their way upstream and release it in a local stream where they breed with the help of students.

a larger scale, the annual Festival Earth Day Contra Costa County, held near San Francisco, California, is the most successful event in Northern California and is funded by ticket sales and donations from the media local media, businesses, government agencies and NGOs. This year there will live music on three stages, thematic areas weather forecast, endangered birds and electric cars, amount of food and environmentally sound. Are expected to attend more than 20,000 people.

Globally, the National Parks and Conservation (NPCA) contributes to citizen groups in the U.S. and abroad to organize March for Parks events that directly benefit their local parks, state and national. Organize walks in rural and urban areas to raise funds. The money raised goes to local parks and restoration projects. Originally concluded in 1990, past projects include repair of buildings and historic trails, planting trees and landscaping, cleaning sponsorship of parks and programs recycling, and land acquisition for new parks. Organizers report that the 1997 March for Parks raised approximately two million dollars for community parks, involving more than one million people, and was the largest national event of Earth Day. 50 states held marches and nine countries participated for a total of 1,200 marches around the world: the biggest ever. The countries involved were Russia, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Costa Rica, Brazil, Argentina, Sweden, Finland and Spain.

Earth Day, which began in 1970 as a protest movement has evolved into a global celebration of the environment and our commitment to their protection. The history of Earth Day mirrors the growth of environmental consciousness over the past quarter century, and the legacy of Earth Day is the clear notion that the environment is the subject of universal concern.

"Never forget, if you want the nation to take major decisions on policy issues that the people are the source of power. With it you can do anything without it, nothing." Gaylord Nelson, Founder of Earth Day

By Tim Brown / United States Information Agency

For a more united and Region Scout! 2011, 75 YEARS OF SCOUTING of Aragua. Green Line 2011: 3000 Trees ... will you score?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Keflex For Prostarte Infections

19 April 1810

on April 19, 1810

April 19 provided the seed revolutionary
After a war of succession, the dynasty of the Bourbons made a series of changes in their political, economic and administrative, whose tendency was to reap greater benefits from Quito and New Spain (Mexico), in 1765, that of Peru led by Tupac Amaru, in 1780, the New Granada, led by the Communards of Socorro, and many others throughout English America.
In social media also caused dissatisfaction as to give the possibility of having brown-white status through the Certificate of Dispensation, which gave the members of this class the possibility of assuming public office of some importance, hitherto reserved for the white aristocrats. Napoleon
SPAIN The English monarchy in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries had suffered a major decline due to the inability of King Charles IV to perform his duties as such, leaving driving under the influence of Manuel Godoy, lover of his wife, their kingdoms overseas through taxation. This new dynasty was of French origin, so that Spain was involved in a war against Britain, in fulfillment of a family covenant which required many financial resources and earned a momentary loss Cuba and the Philippines.
reforms imposed by the king Felipe V, Fernando VI and Carlos III reduced the level of influence achieved by the descendants of the conquistadors in the Americas, since, from these reforms, all managerial and administrative positions were reserved to English mainland appointed by the crown,
trade was united in favor of Spain, fighting all kinds of contraband, and increased exploitation of raw materials, prohibited in many cases, the transformation of the same in these territories.
These actions, together with the imposition of taxes and increased indigenous the rates of customs, created a backlash for the crown, which resulted in riots as Queen Maria Luisa.
Catholic Puritanism of the time and the desperation that has led to complacency and privileges to which access was Manuel Godoy, created discontent in Spain and people overseas, which weakened his influence as a nation in Europe.
Napoleon Bonaparte, who sought to increase the territories for his country, saw an opportunity in these conflicts and intervene in that country said to "renew and enhance" their institutions "were to perish," according to the proclamation sent the English in 1808. Napoleon invaded the Iberian peninsula, their leaders imprisoned and once you create a grassroots movement to get rid of the invaders. Are created together to meet the government overthrown and was born in Aranjuez Supreme Central and Governing Board of the Kingdom, as a way of solidifying a system that would act as the King as the country was occupied.
The American reaction was almost immediate. In July 1808 in Caracas had two representatives from the French government in Spain with the intention to swear allegiance to King Joseph Bonaparte, Napoleon imposed.
A revolt, led by notorious aristocrats, and the refusal to recognize by the captain-general and other authorities, was the response obtained by these envoys, so they were forced to sail back almost immediately. In Quito, a year later, the most exalted kind of aristocracy in Quito, decided to create a Board of Governors in this city, but the movement was suppressed by English authorities of government in the viceroyalty. Miranda's ideas were also present at the time in the correspondence he had with some mantuanos Caracas. The precursor proposed creating a board, similar to those of Spain, to overthrow the authorities and guide the steps toward national independence.
In America the criteria were divided. A large sector struggling to monitor the monarchy, the figure of Fernando VII, while another sector, imbued with republican ideas, betting on the ultimate independence as the best option.
these conditions appear in the April 19, 1810. In January of that year the Supreme Junta Central dissolves before the onslaught of the French armies. It then creates the Supreme Council of Regency of the Kingdom, whose legality is questioned by the nations of America, because they were not formed by delegates chosen in previous meetings or knew the character this policy the Supreme Council of Regency.
This was picked up by the Venezuelans, who pretended to yield to the monarchy and exploit their followers, a year later, to proclaim the full independence of Spain is a sovereign nation and free.
news came by sea ...
The uncertainty experienced by men and women who sought independence seemed endless. The Governor and Captain-General Vicente Emparan, assured the public that there were side stories from the Iberian peninsula and that everything should be fine for those places. But April came with omens to that Caracas, 1810. First were the young soldiers who wanted to seize power and then the boats docked at ports of Venezuela, from the Caribbean islands. These boats
ensured that Spain was lost, only Cadiz and the Isle of Leon stayed in the hands of Fernando VII, so that the government of the Supreme Council and Governing
Kingdom no longer existed. From Puerto Cabello, the commander of the place sends a mail to Emparan where he says that information from the crew of a British boat, called "Venus", the London Ministerial Gazette claimed that the King's armies had destroyed the invading troops. On 18 Emparan himself received official news from Spain, via e del Rey, in the schooner "Carmen", which announced the dissolution of the Supreme Council and the establishment of a Council of Regency.
day before Puerto Cabello had reached the brig "Palomo", whose captain was forced to leave Cádiz without charge or registration because the French had seized all Andalusia, except for Cadiz and the Isle of Leon.
Los Caracas, hearing the same day 18 of these events, decided to meet secretly with the intention of finding how to overthrow the English government and begin the process of independence.
When fob watches were scored the first seven hours of that morning, and all of that council members were present. Jose, the Flames took in his gloved hand bell and chime sounded shortly. Rising from his seat he saw the faces of his colleagues and felt haggard, poor sleep, but with much excitement and nervousness.
"Gentlemen, he said, in light of recent events in Spain, where our beloved Ferdinand VII has been stripped of his throne and the emperor's occupation of the French has dissolved the board that made up for his absence, we decided to call this special council to decide what to do in this situation of orphans in which we find ourselves. " As flames continued with his presentation, Dionisio Palacios looked to the side as if looking for someone to whisper in his ear. Silvestre Tovar Liendo stroked the edge of his jacket and Nicolas Anzola sank his thumb into the small pocket of his waistcoat.
After saying that the latest arrivals at La Guaira forced to make important decisions for the benefit of people overseas, Valentine asked Ribas and Rafael Gonzalez for his residence to seek captain general and president of the council, Don Vicente Emparan and Orbe.
Leaving delegates ordered a recess that was used by the participants to meet informally and discuss the situation. Clemente Lino José María Blanco commented to his interest to be declared once and for all independence, but he was told that within that council had many supporters of Ferdinand VII and therefore had to act with caution, as we had agreed in the morning at the home of Dr. Jose Angel Alamo. The conversation stopped when people outside heard the commanding voice of the lieutenant who directed the military honors the governor. Seconds later echoed
heels of boots on the steps and there was a great silence as the figure of Emparan was placed under the door frame to look closely at each of those present. Flames Joseph vacated the seat he occupied and placed in the chair on the right. The governor greeted with a shake of his head, like a bow and sat down on the job vacated by flames. He took the bell, moved firmly and stood up to ask them to explain the reason for this extraordinary chapter to which he had been invited at the last minute. Martin Tovar Ponte, who was placed on his left, rose a gesture of moderation and, placing his fist in his mouth, coughed voluntarily, as if trying to clear his throat. "With due respect, Your Excellency, let me inform you that this special council convened by the vice president of this council, Don Jose, the Flames, corresponds to the need to establish a position on the situation in the motherland and our beloved Fernando VII, the latest information obtained from the post office, which claims that the board of Cadiz has dissolved and formed another, named with the title of Regent, we do not know what and why they formed this form of government and why we were not invited, when all is said we are all part of the Kingdom. "
Emparan Tovar listened carefully to the audience watching. Seemed to keep a straight face and let him speak until the end without interruption. He took out his handkerchief to play with him starched his forehead and cheeks before starting his speech. "Gentlemen, pronounced emphatically. I know the news that alarmed you so much. The Regency has replaced the board of Cadiz and still is a representation of our beloved Don Ferdinand VII. I do not know the specifics of this new form has been created with the name of Regency, but I assure you that under no circumstances result in changes or illness to peace are living in the overseas realms. I have knowledge that come within hours of the Regency emissaries and they can explain in detail what happens in Spain. " Explained in detail the information received from the mainland and said that if someone wanted to read it could order the transfer to the view of those present. All were silent in the face and voice of Vicente Emparan. For several minutes he argued the need to remain calm and to continue under this government. He then apologized for the need to attend religious services at the cathedral and stood from his seat without allowing time for further action. The council members did much noise when they came down the wooden stairs to leave the room and will fly through the center of the plaza to the cathedral.
Emparan the front, accompanied by Joseph of calls and Martin Tovar Ponte. Behind them the other council members.
From the corner of Main were leaving the number of young people last night and the morning they had used their time in planning the way they should form a new government, taking advantage of the large number of people who crowded into the Plaza Mayor Holy Thursday activities. Salias Francisco José Félix Ribas, Mariano and Tomas Montilla, José Angel Alamo, Francisco Salias, JJ Mujica, the priest José Félix Blanco, Juan Germain Roscio, José Félix Sosa and others of the conspirators mingled with people passing by from the corner to the Main Tower and into the square, awaiting the outcome of events. Seeing out the authorities as vigorously to the church, believed that his plan had not worked and decided to force Emparan and others to return to the council. Salias Francisco went ahead with determination, he took his arm and snapped: "A city council." The audience watched in horror as the scene where the disrespect of the highest authority. Dragons of the honor guard lifted their weapons to remedy this insult, but the captain Luis de Ponte shouted: "Firm" and the men put their guns with the barrels on their shoulders, obeying the order.
If ordinary people are surprised at the boldness of Salias and other young people who surrounded the captain-general, he did not flinch because I had expected. Very early in the morning, a brown sergeant had been notified that something was planned against his government. For a long time to come see these events. Only nineteen days before, had been obliged to expel from the city many of its officers tried to arrest him to dismiss the government.
was caught up in the street that opens at the corner of Main. This time the guard of honor not for the honors paid him and that caused a dire premonition. Now many of those who attended him were his friends, but I was sure that would accompany more and that would not be government.
Itinerary of a plot
Rafael Gonzalez and Valentin Ribas Emparan searched.
The governor and his entourage visited the cathedral
Francisco Salias forced to return to council Captain general
Emparan Governor returned to relinquish power
Cortés de Madariaga forced the resignation of captain general
On the balcony ended the power of Spain in Venezuela
From day 17, when in Caracas learned of the loss of Seville in Spain, aspiring to freedom met secretly to develop a plan that would end to three hundred years of oppression English government. All
18 and the morning of 19 gathered at various locations to complete the plan of actions to execute.
These were the highlights:
council members involved in the captain-general lay out of the house measured José Angel Alamo, located in the current portal La Palma del Centro Simón Bolívar and come to the meeting council. Salen
Valentín González y Rafael Ribas to seek the governor in his home, located in Madric Ibarra.
Envoys Return to the governor at the corner of Sainte-Chapelle and enter the town hall. Occurs the first meeting between lobbyists and the governor Emparan.
Emparan and council members come to the cathedral.
Salias Francisco and several members of the village, the governor stopped at the entrance to the cathedral and force him to return to the council.
pass down the street north of the Plaza Mayor, where the governor is not known by the guards who are stationed there. Entering
back to the council and restart the discussion. Leave the balcony to see the people gathered on the floor of the building.
Corner Home
witnessed these events. PHOTO JESUS \u200b\u200bCASTILLO
Portal On the corner of La Palma lived José Angel Alamo. PHOTO JESUS \u200b\u200bCASTILLO
Captain Luis de Ponte demonstrated its value against the cathedral. J. PHOTO CASTILLO
In the Northern area of \u200b\u200bthe square returned JESUS \u200b\u200bCASTILLO
Madric Ibarra De Vicente Emparan lived and Orbe. PHOTO JESUS \u200b\u200bCASTILLO
The first autonomous government of Venezuela
The April 19, 1810 marked the first autonomous government that gave the Venezuelans to depose representatives of Spain and establish a board that, in principle, called "Protection of the Rights of Fernando VII," was only a preamble served to mask the idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom that had been germinating in a young fighter and dreamer.
Vicente Emparan depose and Orb was the first step. Your income back to the council, when he was ordered to return, by those involved in the plot to strip him of power was the key to such speakers as John Germain Roscio and José Cortés de Madariaga convince the members of this council to prevent continuation of the English government and the erection of a board representing all sectors of the population of Caracas.
Accounts of eyewitnesses say the priest José Félix Blanco personally searched the priest Cortés de Madariaga, who at times held the town hall in the cathedral was listening to the confessions of the parishioners. Cortes de Madariaga
faced head on the governor and captain-general, pointing a tyrant and usurper of power.
convinced those present that the Board of Regency in Spain named after Andalusia making by Napoleon, had no validity, so that the rulers now in power in the overseas territories had no authority and therefore should be appointed a board to exclude them. Emparan
had accepted a proposal submitted by John Germain Roscio, for the formation of a board chaired by him, since Hall was President.
His arguments were refuted one by one by Cortés de Madariaga and finally, unable to get to impose their ideas, he turned to the balcony to ask those at the Plaza Mayor, should they wish to continue in command. The response was not immediate. Those present looked at each other with surprise and a sign of the father before Cortés de Madariaga, Madariaga, moving his right hand back and forth, began shouting that they wanted.
Immediately, the officers who supported the councilmen proceeded to prevent the departure of the rulers and forced to sign their resignations and the statements that should be directed to the various military leaders of the jurisdictions under their command, with In order to take all the military forces and prevent uprisings in favor of the displaced. John Germain Roscius, who had joined as deputy for the town, was in charge of drafting the report, noting full details of the meeting, the resignation of Emparan and his followers and the appointment of the new authorities. José
calls, first mayor choice, and Martin Tovar Ponte, the mayor of second choice would be, from this point, the two presidents of the council; Feliciano Palacios Blanco, José Hilario Mora, Isidro Antonio Lopez Mendez, Rafael González, Valentín de Ribas, José María Blanco Dionisio Palacios, Juan Ascanio, Pablo Nicolás González, José Félix Sosa, José Cortés de Madariaga, Francisco José Ribas and Silvestre Tovar Liendo, were appointed members, while Nicolas Anzola was assigned the post of Secretary of Grace and Justice Lino Clement, the Secretary of War and Navy; Roscio John Germain, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs. José Félix Ribas joined as a member representing the browns. Colonel Nicolas de Castro and captain Juan Pablo Ayala had since that day the military command. Many English
remained in this new policy, resulting in a struggle between two factions, one that chose to go to King Ferdinand VII and the other was silent for full independence.
Two days later, both as Basadre Emparan and José Vicente de Anca, with their families, were shipped to the United States, on a scale to Spain.
After this April 19 comes a long history of performances by various countries, with the intention of legitimize the new authorities and an internal struggle to clarify the pathway by which definitely should guide the country.
The party that day could not disappear so easily from the minds of those who came for the procession of the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It was Holy Thursday and the sun washed out the colors and the splendor that pleases the eye.
Black, baboons, white and Indian, that swarmed Square dressed in their finery. Leaving only the sick in homes and servitude required to meet the basic needs of families. Surname lofty together of any sort to be joined in front of the balcony and shouted till you do not want him to be out, that the land was ours, who were tyrants.
When the man said he did not want to control, the excitement was greater. Especially the white jumped for joy and were spreading among those present. Only the Indians remained impassive at first. Gathered around the corner from the racks and opposite the university, allowed to see their feather ornaments multiencendidas by the sun and colors.
appeared yellow ribbons, red, white and blue that many wore on their hats. Others as small loops placed on their costumes, while the women carried on their shoulders by way of small banners. Andrés Bello, Vicente Salias, Juan Landaeta and many other musicians and poets began to sing "Caraqueños, begins another era, the first Venezuelan patriotic song, which had tried days earlier, when they realized that the days of the English kingdom were to finish.
A little later the tenor Vicente Salias stopped listening to "live the courageous people," while the infection appeared to be watered every corner of the square and beyond, where the sun was hiding. Balcony in continuing the process, signed Emparan, Basadre signed and down and fueled by liquor that flowed from hand to hand, people sang in chorus improvised
"Anca Emparan and Basadre / have the oppressed people. / Vicente so close / suck, but the people barking. "The first one covers / or the other leads in the hip / but it relies on third / raising the bar. "Enough of humiliation / to the three output / nation must rise / And shake the yoke."
After the laughter without realizing that the lamplighter had already begun the process of turning around the poles. Night came. Many homes are lit up more than usual. The windows all open, let see residents with brightly colored ribbons to greet with joy the passage of travelers who hawked slogans against the King and Spain.
was all pleasure and joy, until, again, it was morning and time in which nothing was the same. Everything had changed from that Holy Thursday 19 April. Characters relevant
the April 19, 1810 Simón Bolívar
April 19 noted the absence protagonist of Simon Bolivar, to the point that many of his biographers omit their actions at that time.
There is evidence of the involvement of brothers Bolívar Palacios in the military conspiracy hatched by Fernando and Francisco Rodríguez del Toro and the assistance of these clandestine meetings held in the House of Mercy, where stands the Parque Carabobo and Bolivar on the Square, where today a museum.
Simon took refuge on his estate at San Mateo, where he devoted himself to monitor their crops, so that was absent 19.
Mary Sanoja of Salias
Within the group of women who supported the independence movement is the mother of the young man left. His house was one of the scenarios used for clandestine meetings and who relate their behavior, said to have been strong advocate for the conspiracies gestated in the country to institute self-government. María Margarita
Sanoja was the mother of Vincent came out, the operator of the words of our National Anthem, of Francisco, who stopped the remembered Emparan April 19, of Pedro Salias, Military of the independence struggle, and John went, too patriot army officer. JJ
Mujica The People
characters who roam the streets of towns and cities have no birth date, much less death date, names not known, but their nicknames and anecdotes.
El Pueblo was a person who was born on April 19 at night. Before that date it was known as JJ Mujica, but that day at night, when the festival was glad the Plaza Mayor, JJ was presented to representatives of the new council and said come on behalf of the people.
requested the floor and was granted by the leniency that enveloped the tribunes who formed this council.
José Angel Alamo
The last meeting before the events of April 19 was held at the home of José Angel Alamo, which was located in a place now Portal is part of La Palma, in the Centro Simón Bolívar.
This man had arrived in Caracas on a date, not specified by historians to study medicine at university, where he enrolled in 1796. Claim that was received by the Bolívar Palacios, those who stayed at home during his first days in the capital. Alamo
doctor is participating in the campaign against malaria that struck the valleys of Aragua in 1804.
Cortés de Madariaga
Born in Santiago, Chile, on July 8, 1766, but was considered Venezuelan until his last days. The first years of his life take place in his homeland, where he studied at the seminary to be ordained a priest in 1788. Continues at the University of San Felipe and obtained his doctorate in law.
travels to Spain in search of a professorship at the university, which is denied and, in attempting to return to Chile, a storm takes him to the shores of La Guaira on April 12, 1802. Decides to stay at home and travels to Caracas where he was granted a sinecure in the cathedral on March 8, 1803.
Juan Trimiño
There was a man born in the Canary Islands, who was noted for his passion for the libertarian cause. He was an inveterate talker, gambler, friend of parties and carousing that did not hesitate to stand against anyone to defend the homeland and to accuse the king and his minions to keep oppressed peoples of America. Juan Trimiño was in the Plaza Mayor that April 19, 1810. He was one of the most shouted to tell the captain-general Vicente Emparan not want him in this country and is off again to Spain.
When they shouted, not imagined it would come back after the English and imprison him in La Guaira.
Captain Luis de Ponte
Luis de Ponte was another heroes in this April 19, 1810. Being in front of the guard and had the courage to order his soldiers to stand firm at the time said that Francis went to the governor's arm in an attitude considered disrespectful to an officer of that nature.
historiography has marginalized until now, so it is not known nor the date or place of birth. However, his example and temperance served to give value to young people at that time were trying to take over the future of their country, as an attitude of that nature was punished with the death penalty
Family Ribas
The Ribas brothers and one of his nephews, were important figures in the events of April 19, 1810 and subsequent events.
José Félix, Valentin, Francisco José
, Juan Nepomuceno and Francisco, the son of Valentín participated since 1808 in all activities related to attempts to overthrow the English authorities and to achieve independence. José Félix
joined the council held that day as a representative of the brown, while his brother Francis Joseph did in his capacity as priest, as representative of the church, together with José Cortés de Madariaga
Francisco Salias
Francisco was born in Caracas in 1785, son of Francisco Antonio Salias Tordesillas and Mary Margaret Sanoja. He was one of the most important characters of the epic that was staged for the deposition of the English authorities in Venezuela.
from a family of famous patriots, Francis enlisted in the movement that preceded the fall of Emparan, becoming an engine of this movement. Her figure, taking the arm to the governor and captain general, that Holy Thursday has become an icon of national independence struggle lies in sculptures and paintings buildings and museums
Vicente Emparan
English born in Azpeitia, in 1747, became a sailor at an early age, reaching the rank of brigadier.
was assigned to Puerto Cabello and then appointed governor of Cumana, from 1792 until 1804, where he confronted some problems with his superiors in Caracas.
that year returned to Spain, settling there until 1808, when he was named captain general of Venezuela by the Napoleonic authorities, but then adheres to the ideas of the Supreme General Meeting, which it ratified in the office of captain general, in place of Juan de Casas, who was putting the post on an interim basis.
The yellow house is a landmark
owes its name to the characteristic color of the Liberal Party at the time of Guzman Blanco, because the architects who refurbished at that time decided to give a political touch to his work.
was not the color nor was the size it has now, when Vicente Emparan Caracas asked the people if I wanted him to continue in command. Nor had the same structure, but remain important events that happened there.
There are controversies about the origin of land ownership. Some researchers refer With the arrival of Diego de Lozada and the founding of the city in 1567, there was a division of land taken from indigenous among senior officers.
Those who maintain this argument say that Lozada gave the property to Damián del Barrio, who did not use it to move back to Barquisimeto. Other historians say the first building at the place belonged to Governor Sancho de Alquiza, approximately 1610.
This building remained until 1641, when an earthquake toppled, leaving rubble and wasteland for many years. The land was purchased by Antonio Tovar, whose heirs sold the governor Diego Jiménez de Enciso. He built the first public prison on the site, which remained there for many years.
The building with the balcony where he Emparan was put into operation in around 1750, when it decided to build an annex of a canal to locate the town hall there, that worked in the governor's residence.
This yellow house we know today is the result of a process of centuries. It began as a wasteland when it was occupied by the English and fifty years after it becomes housing for the governor. There are no dimensions accurate in that first building, but is supposed to occupy the corner and halfway down the block, on the way to what is now known as the corner of Conde.
After the earthquake of 1641 turned it into rubble and later became the Royal Prison. In the late eighteenth century still worked as a prison, according to the testimony of residents and historians, who claimed that from where he left José María Spain to be executed in 1799.
The 1812 earthquake caused further havoc on the structure and it was not until 1830 when it ordered its restoration to function as the Provincial Government of Caracas. Carlos José Antonio Páez Soublette and use it as a police station and Government House.
In 1870, after the April Revolution, to instruct the architect Juan Hurtado Manrique remodeling to be used as presidential residence. In 1874, culminating work, which contemplated the union of the grounds of the jail, police station, town hall and a house adjacent to the west, which was owned by White Palacios family, relatives of the Liberator. In the remodeling was painted yellow for the first time, representing the Liberal Party and from there the people gave the popular name that still stands. Francisco Linares Alcántara
used it as a residence. Joaquín Crespo gave it to reside there, its highest ranking official and Cipriano Castro decided to move to Miraflores, introduced when the earthquake of 1900.
From that year came to occupy ministerial functions until 1922. From there he moved definitively to host the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1930 he redecorated with murals of landscapes commissioned the painter Otto D'Guillonnet, which were capped in 1935 when Juan Vicente Gómez died.
walls covered with white cloths remained until 1956. Under the government of General Marcos Perez Jimenez was asked to conduct an architect Gustavo Wallis of a new renovation that included construction of a library on international law, a English-style façade and the removal of the murals covered by white cloth, which went to the Museum of Fine Arts.
The Yellow House was declared a National Historic Landmark on 16 August 1979, according to the Official Gazette 31678 and in 2007 it was christened with the name Casa Antonio José de Sucre, as a tribute to one of the first and greatest diplomats who were born in the soil.
This distinction was intended to honor the document editor Regulatory and War armistice to sign Paul Simon Bolivar and Morillo in the city of Santa Ana de Trujillo, editor and signed the surrender of the English in Ayacucho and the many missions that helped put Venezuela in the concert of nations.
Coordination: Reinaldo Gonzalez Texts: Igor García Illustrations: Omar Cruz Design and Layout: Harvey Herrera. April 19th is a special supplement CCS Town is an integral part of the newspaper and is distributed free
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