Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Leather Treaty Bracelets For Sale


few weeks ago we discussed the beginning of a project that involves re-build a village a few years ago suffered a fire. The village have been standing walls. They create a vacuum in the form of yard left to read in successive inner layers of the walls changes and lived in the building.
is underway the proposal in draft form to the relevant administration to give the green light to the project and begin to "cut" the wood: One of the most attractive terms for the project. The property features a spruce forest "Douglas" at 50 feet away from the village . In addition, the municipality of Zerain has a "mill village" for regular use of reform and small-scale work. Therefore most of the reform of the settlement is made with materials and transformations that take place in a 500m radius of significantly reducing transport and heavy materials to a minimum.
Architecture of closeness.

Pain aste batzuk aurreratu genu Azken Aldian esku Artean dugun proiektu Hazar beat. Oarin urte batzuk su hartutako baserri baten ber-eraikuntza alegia. Baserriak kanpo ormak manetndu ditu zutik eta hauek barne hutsune bat eratzen dute ormetan isladatuz etxeak garai ezberdinetan jasandako aldaketak.
Aurreproiektu itxura hartu du dagoeneko proiektuak administrazioak oniritzia eman diezagun eta batez ere egurra mozten hasi daitezen: Hau da proiektoak duen kondiziorik oinarrizkoena. Baserritik 50m-ra dagoen Douglas motako pinu basotik aterako da baserria ber-eraikitzeko materialik gehiena. Gainera Zeraingo udalerriak duen zerrategi komunala erabiliko da zurezko piezak mozteko. Beraz, 500m baino gutxiagoko distantzian lortuko dira lehen gaiak eta trasformatuko dira eraikitzeko material bihurtu art. Modu Honet garraio tell pisutsuak ekidingo maila Batete heights. Gertutasunezko arkitektur.


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