Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sayings People Who Are Pregnant


RAW_GERTUKO URRUZTI from arkitekturak TOKI on Vimeo .

Urruzti baserriaren eraberritze proiekturako lan prozesua guztiz ezberdina da. Gertuko materialeak erabiltzearen apostua egingo da. Lehengaia ustiatu eta lehen trasformazio bat eman zaio eta orain, 4 hilabeteko lehortze prozesua aprobetxatuz garatuko dugu proiektoa.

EL proceso de trabajo para la reforma del caserio Urruzti supone un cambio de orden. Para su construcción se ha tomado un compromiso de utilización de materiales cercanos. Ya se ha conseguido llegar a trasformar la materia prima del futuro edificio. Los 4 meses de secado de la madera se emplearan en el desarrollo the project.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Glory Holes In Bergen County

Sudjik: built to fuel the ego? Pritzker

Always interesting Deyan Sudjik , this time interviewed by StudiobananaTV :

Volleyball Womas Camoe Toe

I HERD RAMA - Forum Herd - District

On Saturday March 26, 2011, the Santiago Mariño Flocks District held from 9:30 am the business I HERD RAMA Puppet Festival at the Centro Comercial Valle Lindo / Turmero.

Puppets and installation of the works is the work product from two months ago developed the herds in each of their groups at this stage setting out issues such as respect for our fellow man, the spirit of solidarity and help our neighbors, our duties and responsibilities at home, school, among others, all in a simple and fun but very instructive. The same in the context of institutional cycle activity youth forum.

Congratulations to all Wolverine and Cubs for their excellent work, like to congratulate the Herd Team composed of the Marina district unit leaders, employees, representatives, heads of groups, without his encouragement and enthusiasm this activity would be impossible to carry out .

herds and groups participating in the festival were: Benjamin

Orion Group. Group
Santiago Mariño.
Independence Group.

also have the participation of a folk dance group Turmero community who delighted us with two masterful performances.

Just want to thank the Center for Integral Training Missionaries for providing excellent facilities to carry out this activity, as guests of the Aragua region for their assistance.

our tracks soon meet again at a future activity

Good Hunting. Carlos Yanez

For a more united and Region Scout! 2011, 75 YEARS OF SCOUTING of Aragua. Green Line 2011: 3000 Trees ... will you score?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My Wife Said She Wants To Have A Black Baby

to the "architecture RAW"

a few days ago began to spread the news on the Internet: The 2011 Pritzker goes into the hands of Eduardo Souto de Moura.
The truth is that happy to see architects and Souto de Moura receive such recognition media. Architecture Souto de Moura is always shown as a result, not as speech but as background material and technical potential of the sites where it builds its architecture. This feature could be extended to the Portuguese architecture.
visual brutality and material which contrasts Moura works with obsessive dedication aimed to refine the details of meetings to make them disappear. We think raw architecture, cooking or making slight enjoy all the flavors without causing indigestion.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

How Can I Get Rid Of My Newborns Throat Phlegm

Influenza AH1 N1 Marino

Courtesy Sanitas de Venezuela www. Sanitasvenezuela . Com /

For a more united and Region Scout! 2011, 75 YEARS OF SCOUTING of Aragua. Green Line 2011: 3000 Trees ... will you score?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Building Side Console For Aluminum Boat

March 22

World Celebration

The General Assembly of the United Nations adopted on 22 December 1993 by resolution A/RES/47/193 on 22 March each year was declared Day Water World, to be held since 1993, in accordance with the recommendations of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development contained in chapter 18 (Fresh Water Resources) of Agenda 21. It then invited the various States to devote the day in the national context, to concrete activities such as promoting public awareness through the production and diffusion of documentaries and the organization of conferences, round tables, seminars and expositions related to the conservation and development of water resources as well as the implementation of the recommendations of Agenda 21.

Water for Cities (Topic 2011)

Water for cities: responding to the urban challenge is the theme of the celebration for the year 2011, and aims to highlight and encourage governments, organizations, communities and individuals to participate actively to meet the challenge of urban water management.

World Water Day provides a unique opportunity to draw attention and create momentum that compels governments to intervene, the international community, civil society and citizens. It is anticipated that this day, his organization is one of the hundreds of institutions to organize events related to Water for Life. " It is expected that each country will celebrate World Water Day in its own way.

To get home, the water makes a long journey. First of all, is stored in a dam. From there, it is sent to the plant purification, which is subjected to chlorination processes (eliminating algae and bacteria), aeration (to remove bad tastes and odors), sedimentation, filtration (to remove the mud) and a second chlorination. Then, powerful electric pumps circulate water through a complex system of pipes. It takes a lot of energy and money to pump water 24 hours a day. Finally, the water we drink at home, leads to a sewer network, and thus the cycle begins again and again.

Where does the Water?

Only 1% of the world's water is in Africa, America, Asia, Europe and Oceania. At first glance, the water on the continents seem abundant, but in reality it is not. Water reserves on Earth are distributed as follows: Oceans and seas (97%), ice caps and glaciers (2%), Groundwater (0.75%), and Rivers and Lakes (0.25%).


For a more united and Region Scout! 2011, 75 YEARS OF SCOUTING of Aragua. Green Line 2011: 3000 Trees ... will you score?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Leather Treaty Bracelets For Sale


few weeks ago we discussed the beginning of a project that involves re-build a village a few years ago suffered a fire. The village have been standing walls. They create a vacuum in the form of yard left to read in successive inner layers of the walls changes and lived in the building.
is underway the proposal in draft form to the relevant administration to give the green light to the project and begin to "cut" the wood: One of the most attractive terms for the project. The property features a spruce forest "Douglas" at 50 feet away from the village . In addition, the municipality of Zerain has a "mill village" for regular use of reform and small-scale work. Therefore most of the reform of the settlement is made with materials and transformations that take place in a 500m radius of significantly reducing transport and heavy materials to a minimum.
Architecture of closeness.

Pain aste batzuk aurreratu genu Azken Aldian esku Artean dugun proiektu Hazar beat. Oarin urte batzuk su hartutako baserri baten ber-eraikuntza alegia. Baserriak kanpo ormak manetndu ditu zutik eta hauek barne hutsune bat eratzen dute ormetan isladatuz etxeak garai ezberdinetan jasandako aldaketak.
Aurreproiektu itxura hartu du dagoeneko proiektuak administrazioak oniritzia eman diezagun eta batez ere egurra mozten hasi daitezen: Hau da proiektoak duen kondiziorik oinarrizkoena. Baserritik 50m-ra dagoen Douglas motako pinu basotik aterako da baserria ber-eraikitzeko materialik gehiena. Gainera Zeraingo udalerriak duen zerrategi komunala erabiliko da zurezko piezak mozteko. Beraz, 500m baino gutxiagoko distantzian lortuko dira lehen gaiak eta trasformatuko dira eraikitzeko material bihurtu art. Modu Honet garraio tell pisutsuak ekidingo maila Batete heights. Gertutasunezko arkitektur.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

When Can I Masterbate After D&c


Once the study of different aspects of the square, there were trouble spots and opportunities to convert a space dominated by the vehicle in an urban salon for the enjoyment of people. It made a first proposal of the square-scheme with a flexible (Open System) of objects that give solution to the problems identified in the previous analysis. The system parts should have sufficient flexibility and adaptability to respond to the needs of users and neighbors. The hypothesis of possible programs are to be found after making the participation workshops. To realize the methodology of the workshops are added to the project team of sociologists MonoDestudio .

Plazaren inguruko aspektu ezberdinen azterlana Burutu Ondores, Tokiko problematikoak detektatu Zirene scored. Horrela, gaur egun kotxearen Menpo aurkitzen den espazioa, jendearen gozamenerako izango den saloi urbano batetan bihurtzeko aukerak aztertuz. Aurreko analisietan detektatutako arazoei soluzioa emango dien objetuez osaturiko programa malgu bat (Sistema Ireki bat) erabiltzen da lehen eskema-proposamen bat eginez. Piezen sistema, malgua eta moldagarritasun nahikokoa izan behar zuen plazako erabiltzaile eta bizilagunen eskakizunei erantzun ahal izateko. Plazarako izango diren programa posible berrien hipotesiak, behin parte-hartze tailerrak egin ondoren jasotzen direnak dira. Tailerren metodologia zehazteko, MonoDestudio (soziologo taldea) proiektura gehitzen da.

The workshops are divided into two working groups. In the first part municipal officers in charge of urban planning, culture, sports, traffic and safety and services. The second bench is composed neighbors, shopkeepers, hoteliers and companies close to public space renovation.

1 - prepared different plans and a model of the environment of the square empty area of \u200b\u200boperation so that it can work on them.

Tailerrak banatzen mahaietan bi lan-da. Lehen lan-mahaia Udal teknikariek hartzen dute parte, hirigintza, kultura, kirola, trafiko eta segurtasun arduradunek osatuta. Bigarren lan-mahaia, bizilagunek, dendariek, ostalariek eta birmoldatuko de espazio publikoaren inguruko elkarteek osatua.

1- Plazaren ingurua hutsa duen maketa orokor bat eta plano ezberdinak prestatzen dira beraien gainean lan egin ahal izateko.

2 - Each table plan analyzes the following categories for discussion as a central axis of the workshop: Applications and area, Synergies, Links / external links, key points within performance, location of use, mobility / traffic handling / access / access improvement and a preliminary approach to hypothesis of activities and uses of public space.

2 - Lan-Mahai bakoitzak, tailerreko ardatzak izango DIREN eztabaidarako ezberdinak maila landuko dituzte plano gainean: Erabilerak eta azalerak, Sinergiak, Kanpo loturak/Koneksioak, aktuazioaren barneko Puntu klabeak, Erabileren kokapena, Mugikortasuna/trafikoen tratamendua/hirisgarritasuna/sarreren hobetzea landuko dira, espazio publikoaren aktibitate eta erabileren lehen hipotesi bati hurbilduz.

3 - Once the maps, we present the model of the square empty and the system of objects that is to extract a first glimpse of the future public space. The abstraction of the object system to imagine a whole catalog of applications and combinations of them and each other. The conditions marked on maps are displayed in volume.

3 - Behin mapak eginda, plazaren hutsaren maketa aurkezten da, eta berarekin battery, edo objektu ezberdinen piece bat erabiliaz system, etorkizunean izango den espazio Lehen publikoaren ateratzen ideia bat saiatzen da. Objektu sistemaren abstrakzioak, objetu beren eta beraien arteko erabilera eta konbinazio ezberdinak imajinatzeko aukera ematen du. Mapetan markatu diren baldintzak bolumenean ikuskatzen dira.

Finally join the two working groups and discussed the different schemes achieved. And is discussed as a solution-scheme among all participants in the process that is reflected in a joint model.

Azkenik, bi lan-mahaiak Biltz tell LORTU ditu eta bakoitzak eskemak aztertzen tell. INGURU Horien azkenik eztabaidatzen da eta, prozesuan lanean izan DIREN partaide guztien emaitza-eskema Artean IRIST da battery. Horizontal Emaitza partaide Artean guztien burututako maketa erakusten da.

A first approximation to what will be the basis of the architectural work reflected in a first schema-result:

Plazarako egingo den proiektu arkitektonikoaren lanaren oinarria izango den emaitza-eskema baten lehen hurbilpen bat erakusten dugu:

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

1-8th Balsa Wood Bridges


GPLZ_PARTICIPACIÓN from TOKI arkitekturak on Vimeo .

Pasa den kultur Urretxuko asteburuan etxea eginiko part Hartz lan-Mahai laburpen bideoa. info gehiago
Video summary of the participatory workshops held last weekend at the house of culture Urretxu. More info

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pokemon Orange Gpsphone Enter Cheats

Mesa Water Day Quality Laboratory

Roundtable Quality Laboratory

This Saturday February 26, 2011, after the Celebration Birthday of Baden Powell took place in the spaces of the LDS Church's 1st Maracay Roundtable Quality Laboratory led by Assistant Operations Sc Tovar German who gave attendees tools on the tool Lab quality and thus have the largest number of certified groups in the region.

Congratulations to the adult participants in this activity: Sc
Rosa Betancourt-Assistant District Sc
Girardot RRAA Yackeline Cervantes - Assistant District Girardot
Institutional Management Sc Jorge Loaiza, Group Chief Joseph Smith
Alejandro Colman-Sc Scout Group Leader Abigail Grand Marshal
Sc Grand Marshal Group
-Sc Pedro Chirinos-Chief Scout Sc Weitepui
Reinaldo Lopez-Assistant District Operations
Sc Girardot Commissioner Jorge Muñoz-Girardot

Thank you for your assistance and acceptance to certify quality groups and give our youth a quality scouting. Cesar Sanchez

Communications Assistant

For a more united and Region Scout! 2011, 75 YEARS OF SCOUTING of Aragua. Green Line 2011: 3000 Trees ... will you score?