Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Calories In Chicken Chow Mein Small

POST # 7: System Augmentative-Alternative. FISH TO THE COMPUTER. POST

certainly communication is one of the objectives more important to work with children with PDD . These process visual information much better spatial and concrete, having more difficulty handle the information is not visible, temporal and abstract, these last three characteristics are those of the conventional language, an area in which the principal stumbling block. Based on these needs have created the SAC (alternative or augmentative communication). The SAC can be defined as tools for speech therapy or educational intervention for people with various communication disorders and / or language and whose objective would be teaching through alternative specific procedures tailored to the needs and possibilities of each child.

it is emphasized that the system that must adapt to each child and not vice versa. Is likely to require different procedures to test or experiment before finding the one that we work with a particular child.

There are two types of SAC:
1 - Signs Systems.
2 - Representative System (PECS and SPC)

sign systems, are usually purchased with relative ease by many of the children. Oral expression that accompany the production of signs to communicate with the child, can provide additional information that in many cases, assimilated and stored, identifying the verbal demands perfectly still not being able to produce them.

The introduction of PECS as Representative System is giving a boost in the computer field, as well as a breakthrough in the production of signs in communication for child TGD.

But what is the Representative System PECS?.

This system works well and it seems that children learn fairly quickly. The system is to consolidate an exchange. It runs from a command to take (real object, photo, etc.) Of a panel and give it to adult demand signal. So if a child learns that after the presentation of the object leads to a consequence. These objects are attached to the Velcro panel to facilitate handling. Form a fundamental part of ascertaining the level of discrimination against the child. That is, find out if we understand the symbols or pictures or work with real objects. Leveraging this type of partnership and gradually increase the number of objects we can start building an effective communication link.

establishing these systems need to record and the complicity of parents to ensure their practice is also at home, only then the results will be optimal. Our goal is to provide the child can use tools to communicate in any situation.

Today, we went to a much broader concept of Augmentative Communication "includes all options, systems or strategies that can be used to facilitate communication to any person who has serious difficulties for the implementation of speech" ( Torres, S.2001, 25). This concept is being developed at the advanced technological progress, both in materials and in the Software.


  • The Multimedia Dictionary of Sign Schaeffer is a tool that will help, no doubt, to all those professionals directly or indirectly with the care of pupils in need of educational intervention in the area of \u200b\u200bcommunication and language.
  • B & Hermes : B & J Hermes is a communication program designed to be used in a pocket diary (Pocket PC). The easiest way to use just write what we want to express and natural voice reads the text was entered.
  • The Exchange Communication System of Figures PECS: The PECS by its initials in English The Picture Exchange Communication System Training (Manual Exchange Communication System of Figure) is one of the systems that currently most widely distributed and used, this because of its high level of flexibility that allows you to fit any need social - communicative and consequently its application is extended not only to children, youth and adults with severe speech difficulties but those whose oral communication is very functional.

multimedia dictionary The sign contains a total of six hundred nine signs of total communication system speaks marked and their images (drawings and photographs). Each sign has a video with the execution and explanation in text format.

The recent publication d Sign Dictionary Schaeffer (Rebollo et al, 2001), has prompted the authors to provide this support publication of audiovisual (multimedia) necessary: \u200b\u200b

  • Saving time spent by professionals from the Centers, in the search and decision making with respect to different signs.
  • facilitate and raise awareness of the signs work with professionals and family members who have difficulty accessing these programs.
  • Expand your knowledge Resource Centers and Teacher Training.
  • Foster to the families of students with communication disorders, knowledge and proper use of this communication system.

And all this, using the image potential in motion, to allow more adequate knowledge of the system.

Among the sites that I suggest links to learn more about the subject are:

http://www.cyberpadres.com/educacion/recursos / prof_estud.htm
http://www .psicodiagnosis.es / areaclinica / trastornossocialesintelectuales / tgdtratamientoeintervencion / index.php


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