Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How Do I Become Bonded In Ontario

No. 10: Sign language communication fundamental way on the net. POST

Language is the human ability to communicate through a system signs or language for it. Not to be confused with language or language , which is the representation of that capacity. Human communication is the primary means through oral language or written, but not exclusively, because for the disabled in many cases it can be to use these means to inform their needs. Thus establishing communication by other means such as visual (traffic signals, the language of deaf or flags, photographs, drawings, gestures, etc.). And tactile (pressure by hand or with foot, reading to the blind through Braille, etc.)..

The language used by the deaf and the blind is an iconic language called sign language, it will include many forms of nonverbal communication l, ie body movements with significant value. Gestures are other variants of the code is the code language gesture language and nonlinguistic auditory code and fingerprint.


SYSTEM (about palm when necessary) actually consists to speak by changing the position of the fingers that are accompanied by slight hand movements. Each letter has a shape that is made on the palm of the deafblind person's hand (if you have enough residual vision can also be done in air).

The manual alphabet or finger spelling is a communication system used by the group of deafblind people. Is based and is very similar to that used by the Deaf Community, but with one fundamental difference: the deaf in the visual version running (because their communication is visual), ie in the air, in space, while deafblind people it can be used in the visual version or the touch (depending on his body and visual quality thereof).

For English fingerspelling system, we can say that when it began in 1987, the task of caring for adult deafblind people in ONCE, one of the first problems identified was the various ways in which deafblind people (especially from different parts of Spain, but even among residents in one location), configured the letters of the alphabet.

Many deaf users of sign language, consider that the information sign language is perceived more comfortable for them, that the information provided in written language. For some users of sign language, the information in sign language is the only medium that can be used to transmit information reliably. This is therefore a reason to supplement the textual information on the Internet with sign language, so that stored the message to play with good readability.

The provision of the contents of a Web page in the form of sign language can be a pre-requisite for some deaf users of sign language to assimilate the information.

In conclusion, for the information network reaches discapacitdos deaf or hearing impaired, is advocating a network access through "sign language" as a means of "information sharing for all."

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